PD9770a PD9770b PD9770c PD9770d PD9770e PD9770e2 PD9770f variant include regions notes exclude 2.292179861 0.190615446 3.144785723 5.605124408 3.28301957 3.212593815 1.413600956 Amp:7p11.2(EGFR) y acdee2 baf consistent f 0.333692549 -0.253093653 0.897390899 -0.029023452 1.161485365 1.241041684 0.390650712 Amp:7q21.2(CDK6) y ac-ee2- "baf consistent, confirmed presence in 'c' by picnic NGS, absence in dand low level gain but not amp in a" f -0.229116388 0.111671174 -0.154750175 0.091053791 1.455020745 -0.185894609 0.022119204 Amp:19q12(CCNE1) n no het snps for baf f -0.327453117 -0.090166632 -0.303847166 -0.862762565 -0.37603689 -0.208052578 -0.252481359 Del:5q11.2(MAP3K1) n no consistency in baf f -0.256003063 -0.390126961 -0.283123229 -0.685495542 -0.023149279 0.098795047 0.038931682 Del:13q14.2(RB1) n f -0.187001859 0.0029478 -0.446084748 -0.82732127 -0.178076005 -0.335132506 -0.177292576 Del:17q21.31(BRCA1) n f -0.146556987 -0.024861874 0.00460266 -0.539808447 0.043650787 0.046985497 0.043997658 Del:13q12.3(BRCA2) n f -0.002900429 -0.037001489 0.053097578 0.036017976 0.029383509 0.063479451 0.03346464 Gain 1q n f 0.189424716 0.028249342 0.0191793 0.49436363 -0.046996269 -0.028308872 -0.028218856 Gain 8q y a-d--- f -0.169240161 -0.000776456 -0.252114433 -0.491468975 -0.213474762 -0.306132972 -0.032994728 Loss 8p y acdee2 consistent with WGS LogR f 0.091131452 -0.000210565 0.145307039 0.158829833 0.068062928 0.252045868 0.078176506 Loss 16q n f -0.077654462 -0.054827109 -0.522192744 -0.476538962 -0.264679163 -0.393651977 -0.024857929 Loss 17p y cdee2 consistent with WGS LogR f