# Commands to make the MySQL tables. # Only need to drop if the database is not new! mysql -h webdbsrv -P 3306 -u yogyrw -pyogyex S_pombe_YOGY_1 < drop_yogy.sql mysql -h webdbsrv -P 3306 -u yogyrw -pyogyex S_pombe_YOGY_1 < create_yogy.sql mysql -h webdbsrv -P 3306 -u yogyrw -pyogyex S_pombe_YOGY_1 < truncate_yogy.sql # In the following scripts, it is necessary to download certain # database files from the internet - the locations of these # files are given in the relevant script or in this script. # Files to download in perl script. ./yogy_populate.pl # Selected files to download from: # http://inparanoid.cgb.ki.se/download/current/sqltables/ set href = "http://inparanoid.cgb.ki.se/download/current/sqltables" #foreach file (longsqltable.*) #foreach file (`cat inp_files.txt`) #echo $file # These two lines do not work #set longfile = `echo "${href}/${file}"` #webget.pl -a "$longfile" >! $file #./yogy_add_inp_terms.pl $file #end foreach file (`cat inp_files.txt`) echo $file ./yogy_add_inp_terms.pl $file end # http://orthomcl.cbil.upenn.edu/ORTHOMCL_DB/all_orthomcl.out # OLD: http://orthomcl.cbil.upenn.edu/OrthoMCL_DB_Data/all_orthomcl.out ./yogy_add_orthomcl_cluster.pl all_orthomcl.out # http://orthomcl.cbil.upenn.edu/ORTHOMCL_DB/BAE_geneid_anno ./yogy_add_orthomcl_lookup.pl BAE_geneid_anno # File to download in perl script. ./yogy_add_go_terms.pl # Selected files to download from: # http://www.geneontology.org/GO.current.annotations.shtml #foreach file (gene_association.*) foreach file (`cat go_files.txt`) echo $file gunzip $file ./yogy_add_go_assocs.pl $file:r gzip $file:r end # Same location, renamed file, so that it doesn't get loaded # with the previous loop! set file = "gene_association.goa_uniprot.gz" gunzip $file ./yogy_add_go_assocs_uni.pl $file:r gzip $file:r # Files to download in perl script. # This script may fail during running, so some of it may need to be re-run. gunzip functional_descriptions.WS161.txt.gz gunzip SwissProt_mappings.WS161.txt.gz ./yogy_add_new_orgs.pl gzip functional_descriptions.WS161.txt gzip SwissProt_mappings.WS161.txt # Selected xrefs files to download from: # ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/IPI/current/ #foreach file (ipi.[ABCHMR]*.xrefs) foreach file (`cat ipi_files.txt`) echo $file gunzip $file ./yogy_add_ipi_lookup.pl $file:r gzip $file:r end # ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/DATA/gene2accession.gz set file = "gene2accession.gz" gunzip $file ./yogy_add_gi_lookup.pl $file:r gzip $file:r # CURRENT LOCATION # ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase/complete/uniprot_sprot.dat.gz cd uni_parse set file = "uniprot_sprot" gunzip ${file}.dat.gz ./uni_parse.pl ${file}.dat >! ${file}.txt gzip ${file}.dat ../yogy_add_uniprot_lookup.pl ${file}.txt gzip ${file}.txt cd .. # ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase/complete/uniprot_trembl.dat.gz cd uni_parse set file = "uniprot_trembl" gunzip ${file}.dat.gz ./uni_parse.pl ${file}.dat >! ${file}.txt gzip ${file}.dat ../yogy_add_uniprot_lookup.pl ${file}.txt gzip ${file}.txt cd .. # Takes a couple of days to run this script! # It speeeds up the on-the-fly searching for UniProt IDs from GI numbers. ./yogy_find_uniprot_ids.pl