Thursday 8 th Sepetember 2005 ============================ The following folders contain: ============================== Sequence data for 3D7 chromosomes in EMBL(sequence and annotated features) or FASTA format(sequence only). Both files formats can be read into Artemis. version1 ======== This dataset is close to the original data that was published in Oct 2002. version2 ======== Contains the whole genome as of 2nd May 2005, in a single EMBL file. This data has sequence updates for chromosomes 6, 7 , 8 and 13. For more information see the GeneDB 3D7 News Archive. MAL.version2 ============= Folder for each chromosome. Note: that the files MAL.version2.cds.dna.fasta contain the nucleotide sequences of pseudogenes. Note: GeneDB_Pfalciparum_chr_Proteins does not contain the amino acid sequence of pseudogenes The data as of 2nd May 2005 3D7.genome.version2 =================== Contains version2 of chr1 to 14 in a single EMBL file. version2.1 ========== Includes sequence updates to TIGR chromsomes 2, 10, 11 and 14. Annotation of repeat elements is included in this annotation Note there are no sequence changes to the remaining chromosomes. Note that the files MAL.version2.1.cds.dna.fasta contain the nucleotide sequences of pseudogenes. Note: GeneDB_Pfalciparum_chr_Proteins does not contain the amino acid sequence of pseudogenes The data as of 9th September 2005. Sequence data identical to PlasmoDB release 4.4