PFA0705c Andrew Berry 25-Feb-05 STEVOR pseudogene putative, MAL1P4.16e gene model modified coordinates changed from (562196..563256) to (562299..563256) PFA0755w Andrew Berry 25-Feb-04 VAR pseudogene, erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) pseudogene gene model modified coordinates changed to (602412 .. 602844) from (602409 .. 603712) PFA0075w Andrew Berry 25-Apr-04 VAR pseudogene, erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) pseudogene, MAL1P1.6 gene model modified coordinates chnaged from (78474..80126) to (79215..79452) on the basis of similarity evidence PFA0695c Andrew Berry 25-Feb-04 VAR-like pseudogene, erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1)-like, pseudogene, MAL1P4.16c gene model modified changed from coordinates (555602 ..556651) to (555770..556651) PFB0177c Andrew Berry 11-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1400.t00202, PF02_0036 gene model modified gene models PFB0176c and PFB0177c joined. PFB0177c retained as unique identifier. PFB0790c Andrew Berry 08-Dec-04 hypothetical protein, 1400.t00075, PF02_0160 gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi PFB0885w Andrew Berry 11-Nov-04 40S ribosomal protein S30, putative, 1400.t00055, PF02_0179 gene model modified PFB0260w Andrew Berry 11-Apr-05 proteasome 26S regulatory subunit, putative, 1400.t00181, PF02_0055 gene model modified, exon I extended PFB0925w Andrew Berry 10-Dec-04 hypothetical protein, PF02_0191, obsolete:1400.t00043 gene model modified coordinates of exon 3 modified PFC0820w Andrew Berry 12-Nov-05 hypothetical protein, MAL3P6.23 gene model modified on the basis of comparison of regions of conserved synteny with P. knowlesi and P. vivax. Eleven amino acids removed from the predicted protein sequence in the N- terminal region PFC0825c Andrew Berry 11-Nov-04 cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor protein, putative, MAL3P6.24 gene model modified intron added to gene model PFD0400w Andrew Berry 12-Nov-04 hypothetical protein, MAL4P2.17 gene model modified intron defined after MET246 resulting in the loss of 29 amino from the predicted protein sequence PFD0669c Andrew Berry 11-Nov-04 hypothetical protein, MAL4P1.133b gene model modified exon 4 added on the basis of comparison of conserved synteny to P. knowlesi and P. yoelii and as predicted using SNAP prediction algorithm PFD0850c Andrew Berry 11-Nov-04 hypothetical protein, conserved, MAL4P1.165, obsolete:PFD0825c gene model modified Coordinates of exon 2 changed on the basis of comparison of region of conserved synteny with P. knowlesi and P.yoelii PFD0860w Andrew Berry 11-Nov-04 hypothetical protein, MAL4P1.167 gene model modified on the basis of comparison of regions of conserved synteny with P. knowlesi and P yoelii and using the SNAP prediction algorithm PFE0405c Andrew Berry 12-Nov-04 hypothetical protein, MAL5P1.83 gene model modified Intron defined in exon2. PFE1300w Andrew Berry 12-Nov-04 hypothetical protein, MAL5P1.260 gene model modified intron defined after PHE317 resulting in the loss of 83 amino acids form the predicted protein sequence. PFE1305c Andrew Berry 11-Nov-04 hypothetical protein, MAL5P1.261 gene model modified defined on the basis of comparison with P knowlesi and P yoelii. Four new 5' exons defined. PFE1425c Andrew Berry 12-Nov-04 hypothetical protein, MAL5P1.283 gene model modified coordinates of exon1 and 2 redefined on the basis of SNAP gene prediction and the comparison of exon structure in this region with P. knowlesi and P. yoelii PFE1440c Andrew Berry 13-Nov-04 hypothetical protein, MAL5P1.286, obsolete:PFE1430c gene model modified on the basis of SNAP prediction PFF0600w Andrew Berry 30-Mar-05 hypothetical protein, MAL6P1.302, obsolete:2270.t00017 gene model modified MAL7P1.127 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, obsolete:MAL7P1.128 gene model modified MALP1.128 incorporated into the terminal exon of MALP1.127 MAL7P1.146 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, obsolete:MAL7P1.146 gene model modified two amino acids differ from the previous predicted protein sequence ILE1006 was ARG1006 LEU 1008 was VAL1008 MAL7P1.16 Andrew Berry 20-Dec-04 hypothetical protein gene model modified MAL7P1.186 Andrew Berry 14-Apr-05 VAR-like erythrocyte membrane protein 1, MAL7P1.211 gene model modified coordinates of exon 1 modified to give more plausible donor site MAL7P1.82 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetilcal protein, gene model modified PF07_0095 Andrew Berry 14-Nov-04 hypothetical protein, conserved gene model modified, exon I truncated and exon 2 and 3 defined. PF07_0053 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified in updated sequence assemly which resulted in the change of four amino acids. LYS88 formerly ARG88, ASN99 formerly ASP99, ILE97 formerly MET97, TYR121 formerly PHE121 PF07_0120 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on remapping onto new sequence assembly. Results in the insertion of 11 amino acids. Current sequence 1492NNINNNNNNNNNNNYYDRTNDGNFSNGK1520 previously 1492IILIIIIIIIIIIITMI MAL8P1.1 Andrew Berry 30-Nov-04 hypothetical protein, conserved in gene model modified C-terminal end of the protein extended by 600 amino acids MAL8P1.104 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, obsolete:MAL8P1.104 gene model modified on remapping onto new assembly resulting in the change of 1 amino acid in the predicted protein sequence ASP1777 formerly ALA1777. MAL8P1.11 Andrew Berry 15-Nov-04 hypothetical protein Gene model modified intron added in exon2;exon 3 added. MAL8P1.134 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on comparison to regions of conserved synteny in P. yoelli and P. knowlesi. The terminal exon modified resulting in a change of the carboxy terminus (..MDCSGCYRNWDIFPHIFV) formerly (VWIVGGVIVIGIFFLIF) MAL8P1.148 Andrew Berry 14-Dec-04 hypothetical protein, obsolete:MAL8P1.148 gene model modified 5' end of exon 1 modified on remapping. N terminus now MNNQKRYEYWPLEEIILPKKIQNVQFCED..formerly MSNFVKN.. MAL8P1.150 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on the basis of comparison of regions of conserved synteny with with P. knowlesi and P. yoelii and using the SNAP gene prediction algorithm. Resulted in 78 amino acids removed from the predicted protein sequence (YTNMKKTKMINIIMKTMMSSIRLSTQGRIMRRIMRRIMRRIMRRIMRRIMNRIMRRIM NRIMRRIMNRIMKEMN) MAL8P1.154 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, obsolete:PF08_0133 gene model modified upon remapping onto new sequence assembly. Due to a abolotion of a stop codon in the remapped sequence PF08_0133 now part of a single orf with MAL8P1.154. The presence or absence of introns in this highly repetative sequence cannot be ruled out MAL8P1.155 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, obsolete:MAL8P1.155 gene model modified when remapped to new sequence assembly. Two amino acids in the differ from the previous sequence, ILE161 was LYS161, LEU162 was MET162 MAL8P1.29 Andrew Berry 15-Nov-04 hypothetical protein, obsolete:MAL8P1.29 gene model modified exon 2 added on the basis of synteny with P knowlesi and P. yoelii. Note this gene model may not be in PlasmoDB but will be added in the next scheduled update MAL8P1.47 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, obsolete:MAL8P1.47 gene model modified Exon3 truncated resulting in the loss of 18 amino acids from the predicted protein sequence MAL8P1.49 Andrew Berry 15-Dec-04 hypothetical protein gene model modified Intron defined in former exon1 resulting in the loss of 106 amino acids from the predicted protein sequence MAL8P1.63 Andrew Berry 15-Dec-04 hypothetical protein, conserved, obsolete:MAL8P1.63 gene model modified after SNAP gene prediction analysis. Exon 6 truncated (VNSDLIK),exons 7,8 and the interstitial region fused resulting in addition of 7 aa (VYSEVIFCSAFEQ); exon12 truncated by 43 aa VREKIKKIKKINEYIYIYKYIYTYFYFYLYFSMVTNLSGLLFI) exons 13 and 14 added MAL8P1.66 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, obsolete:MAL8P1.66 gene model modified on the basis of comparison of exon organisation between P. falciparum, P. knowlesi, and P. yoelii with the aid of the SNAP gene prediction algorithm resulting in the loss of 26 amino acids from the predicted protein sequence MAL8P1.71 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, obsolete:MAL8P1.71 gene model modified upon remapping onto new assembly resulting in change to 1 amino acid in the predicted protein sequence ARG366 formerly ILE366 MAL8P1.73 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, obsolete:MAL8P1.73 gene model modified on the basis of the SNAP gene prediction algorithm and comparison on regions of conserved synteny between P. falciparum, P. knowlesi, and P. yoelii MAL8P1.76 Andrew Berry 14-Apr-05 meiotic recombination protein dmc1-like protein, obsolete:MAL8P1.76 gene model modified coordinates of exon 3 modified after an incorrect splice site in the previous model was identified MAL8P1.80 Andrew Berry 21-Dec-04 hypothetical protein gene model modified on the basis of comparison on regions of conserved synteny between P. falciparum, P. yoelii and P. knowlesi and with the aid of the SNAP gene prediction algorithm. Resulting in the loss one exon and 52 amino acids from the gene model. MAL8P1.93 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, obsolete:MAL8P1.93 gene model modified Resulting addition of 1 amino acid residue (PHE94) on remapping of the gene model onto the new assembly MAL8P1.99 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, obsolete:MAL8P1.99 gene model modified Exon/intron boundary modified between exon1 and exon2 resulting in the loss of 21 aa from the predicted protein sequence (GYHLVYIYIYIYIYVNKFLFI). Modified on the basis of comparison to regions of conserved synteny in P. falciparum P. knowlesi and P. yoelii and with the aid of the SNAP gene prediction algorithm PF08_0081 Andrew Berry 20-Dec-04 hypothetical protein gene model modified exon 1 added after remapping, N terminus now MEYFFYLLKFLC.., formerly M.. PF08_0102 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 pfa55-14, asparagine-rich antigen Pfa55-14 gene model modified on remapping onto new assembly resulting in the change of one amino acid in the predicted protein sequence THR1174 formerly ALA1174 PFI0155c Andrew Berry 30-Mar-05 ras family GTP-ase, putative gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi. Exon 1 and 2 defined, exon II on the basis of comparison to knowlesi. Previous coordinates 133761..133830,133929..134077,134203..134277,134402..134548,134705..134803 PFI0410c Andrew Berry 15-Nov-04 hypothetical protein gene model modified reviewed in the light of the prediction from the SNAP algorithm PFI0850w Andrew Berry 29-Nov-04 hypothetical protein gene model modified resulting in 27 amino acids removed from the predicted protein (SKKKKKLKKNNKMHKKNKKKLKNLYKK) PFI0985c Andrew Berry 15-Apr-05 chaperone protein gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison to P. knowlesi PFI1095w Andrew Berry 15-Apr-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi PFI1315c Andrew Berry 29-Nov-04 hypothetical protein gene model modified intron defined after N93 381 amino acids removed from previous predicted protein as a result PFI1345c Andrew Berry 15-Apr-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi PFI1350c Andrew Berry 12-Nov-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified Location of intron splice donor and acceptor sites revised resulting in a loss of 27 amino acids from the predicted protein sequence PFI1435w Andrew Berry 15-Apr-05 RNA binding function, putative gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison to P. knowlesi. Exons 1 and 2 defined PFI1460c Andrew Berry 15-Apr-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi PF10_0188 Andrew Berry 04-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1398.t00241 gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison with P knowlesi PF10_0371 Andrew Berry 14-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1398.t00055 gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi PF10_0359 Andrew Berry 14-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1398.t00067 gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi PFL2580w Andrew Berry 11-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 2277.t00514, MAL12P1.511 gene model modified, identified as a RIFIN pseudogene PFL0705c Andrew Berry 07-Apr-05 adrenodoxin-type ferredoxin, putative, 2277.t00142, MAL12P1.141 gene model modified, exons 1 and 2 defined after comparison with P. knowlesi MAL13P1.145 Andrew Berry 18-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on remapping onto new sequence assembly resulting in a change of 2 amino acids in the predicted protein sequence LYS2067 formerly ASN2069 and 2069LYS formerly ASN2069 MAL13P1.155 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on remaping onto new sequence assembly resulting in a change of one amino acid in the predicted protein sequence,THR1133 formerly PRO1133 MAL13P1.176 Andrew Berry 18-Jan-05 Plasmodium falciparum reticulocyte binding protein 2 homolog b gene model modified The N-terminus bas been extended by 2064 amino acids MAL13P1.189 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 conserved hypothetical protein gene model modified based on a manualy reviewed SNAP prediction. This resulted in the definition of five additional exons MAL13P1.195 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on the basis of a manually reviewed SNAP prediction. The 5' end of exon five has been extended and the N-terminal region modified MAL13P1.205 Andrew Berry 20-Aug-04 GTP-binding protein, putative gene model modified with the aid of SNAP gene prediction and comparison to regions of conserved synteny in knowlesi and yoelii. This results in a loss of 25 amino acids The N-terminal region is now MISHICIKNHHITCGIIKFPFIIFNFFDINFYSYLRS was formerly MSNEEYDHLYKIILVGDATVGK. The carboxy terminus has also been modified is now ..FLFRFFFFLQYYYY was formerly ..VKCC MAL13P1.209 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 60S ribosomal subunit porotein L18, putative gene model modified on the basis of a manually reviewed SNAP gene prediction. Exon1 redefined resulting in a change in the N-terminus is now MY.., was formerly MKYLMNH.. MAL13P1.231 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 pfsec61, Pfsec61, PF13_0244, PF13_0244 gene model modified on remapping onto new assembly resulting in loss of 12 amino acids (MVRFLNLIKPV) from the N terminus of the predicted protein sequence. MAL13P1.255 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified in remapping onto new sequence assembly resulting in the addition of 35 amino acids to the predicted protein sequence DSDHNNENINKKDSDHNNDTINKKYSDHNNDSINKK MAL13P1.267 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified upon remapping onto new sequence assembly and revised after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi MAL13P1.272 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on remapping onto new sequence assembly resulting in change to two amino acids MAL13P1.286 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, PF13_0311 gene model modified on remapping onto new sequence assembly resulting in addition of 33 amino acids to the predicted amino acid sequence. Previously two introns were defined in what is now a single intron MAL13P1.295 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on remapping onto new sequence assembly resulting in 25 amino acids being removed from the predicted protein sequence MAL13P1.296 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on remapping onto new sequence assembly resulting in addition of 124 amino acids to the predicted protein sequence. Previously the gene model was incomplete in that no start or stop codon was defined MAL13P1.310 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on reampping onto new sequence assembly. 18 amino acids added to the N-termins of the predicted protein sequence which is now MGCINSKVKEKRKIKKRKKEECNLI.. was formerly MGKNVIKE.. MAL13P1.313 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein, PF13_0332 gene model modified on remapping onto new sequence assembly resulting in 18 amino acids being added to the predicted protein sequence. Note that the prediction of introns in this gene model is made very difficult to the highly repetetive nature of the sequence MAL13P1.6 Andrew Berry 18-Jan-05 VAR-like, erythrocyte membrane protein 1-like gene model modified upon remapping onto a new sequence assembly resulting in a loss of 169 aa from the predicted protein sequence. MAL13P1.71 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on remapping resulting in addition of 193 amino acids ot the predicted protein sequence MAL13P1.78 Andrew Berry 18-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified N-terminus redefined resulting in a loss of 13 amino acids from the predicted protein sequence. M-terminus formerly MILYNILYYIILYVFIYYYV.., now MCLYIIMY PF13_0210 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on remapping onto new sequence assembly resulting in 77 amino acids being aded to the predicted protein sequence PF13_0235 Andrew Berry 17-Jan-05 hypothetical protein gene model modified on remapping onto new sequence assembly resulting in the loss of 10 amino acids from the predicted protein sequence PF14_0138 Andrew Berry 05-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1396.t00644 gene model modified intron inserted after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi, Exon IV (554268..554349) PF14_0435 Andrew Berry 04-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1396.t00347 gene model modified exons 2 and 3 defined after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi PF14_0680 Andrew Berry 15-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1396.t00096 gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison to P. knowlesi. Exons 3 and 4 defined. Formerly a 2 exon gene model PF14_0653 Andrew Berry 15-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1396.t00122 gene model modified exonI added and exon 2 (formerly exon 1) extended at the N-terminus PF14_0595 Andrew Berry 07-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1396.t00185 gene model modified after check of splice donor and acceptor sites. ExonI added. Confirmed by FASTA searches against UNIPROT PF14_0488 Andrew Berry 05-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1396.t00293 gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison to P. knowlesi. Exons 7,8 and 9 defined. Was formerly a 6 exon gene model PF14_0460 Andrew Berry 15-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1396.t00322 gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi. Exons 3, 4, and 5 defined. These bridge and thus caused to fuse genes PF14_0459 and PF14_0460. Exon 6 was formerly exon 1 of PF14_0459. Exons 8 and 9 newly defined PF14_0403 Andrew Berry 04-Apr-05 protein prenyltransferase alpha subunit, putative, 1396.t00379 gene model modified exons added after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi. Exons 4 to 8 defined. Intron defined in Exon 3 PF14_0376 Andrew Berry 04-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1396.t00406 gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi. Exons I and II defined. Former exon I truncated by 25 aa PF14_0229 Andrew Berry 06-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1396.t00553 gene model modified exon III defined after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi. PF14_0178 Andrew Berry 16-Apr-05 hypothetical protein, 1396.t00605 gene model modified after TBLASTX comparison with P. knowlesi. Exons 1,2 and 3 added. Gene model formerly a 5 exon model