(1) contigs ordered by protein-level mapping to Lens genome: (a) as multiple fasta: 454LargeContigs.fna_Lens_NC_006369.fna.proteinmatch.orderedcontigs.mfasta (b) and as single fasta sequence: 454LargeContigs.fna_Lens_NC_006369.fna.proteinmatch.orderedcontigs.fasta (2) ordered contigs crunched against 4 Legionella genomes: 454LargeContigs.fna_orderedByProteinMatchLens_Lens.crunch 454LargeContigs.fna_orderedByProteinMatchLens_Philadelphia1.crunch 454LargeContigs.fna_orderedByProteinMatchLens_Corby.crunch 454LargeContigs.fna_orderedByProteinMatchLens_Paris.crunch (3) to view these in ACT: act 454LargeContigs.fna_Lens_NC_006369.fna.contigs.mfasta 454LargeContigs.fna_orderedByProteinMatchLens_Lens.crunch Lens_NC_006369.gbk act 454LargeContigs.fna_Lens_NC_006369.fna.contigs.mfasta 454LargeContigs.fna_orderedByProteinMatchLens_Philadelphia1.crunch Philadephia1_NC_002942.gbk act 454LargeContigs.fna_Lens_NC_006369.fna.contigs.mfasta 454LargeContigs.fna_orderedByProteinMatchLens_Corby.crunch Corby_NC_009494.gbk act 454LargeContigs.fna_Lens_NC_006369.fna.contigs.mfasta 454LargeContigs.fna_orderedByProteinMatchLens_Paris.crunch Paris_NC_006368.gbk (4) Unmapped sequences (a) 454 contigs that couldn't be mapped to Lens at the protein level: 454LargeContigs.fna_Lens_NC_006369.fna.proteinmatch.NOTMAPPEDTOLENS.fasta (b) Regions of Lens genome that weren't covered by 454 contigs: proteinmatch.Lens_NC_006369.NOTCOVEREDBY454.fasta (5) Preliminary SNP calls - using MUMmer/nucmer, with default settings, no filtering - these should be treated warily as they will contain errors due to -- mismapping in repetitive regions -- proximity to contig ends -- proximity to homopolymeric tracts which are problematic for 454 -- low quality base calls - note the positions (col1) for SNP loci in each file pertain to the different reference sequence, so can't be directly compared -- to draw a tree based on SNPs, I would map each of the other 3 genomes to Lens (as the reference) and compare SNPs relative to Lens -- it would be better to attempt a whole-genome tree, using e.g. Mauve lens.snps philadelphia1.snps corby.snps paris.snps