This directory contains the whole-genome alignment and the consensus sequences of following human individuals: CV: Craig Venter, capillary Sanger sequencing (Levy et al., 2007) NA12878/NA12890/NA12892: 1KG CEU trio, Illumina sequencing NA19238/NA19239/NA19240: 1KG YRI trio, Illumina sequencing NA18507: Yoruban HapMap individual, Illumina sequencing (SRA000271) SJK: Seong-Jin Kim, Korean, Illumina sequencing (SRA008175) YH: YanHuang, Chinese, Illumina sequencing (ERA000005) For each indivdual, file "*.bam" is the alignment (CV by BWA-SW, NA18507/SJK/YH by BWA and the rest by MAQ), "*.bam.bai" is the corresponding BAM index, "*.var.plp" gives the SNP and short indel calls by samtools pileup, "*.fq.gz" is the SAMtools consensus with lowercase indicating masked sequences due to repeat or excessive or lack of coverage, and "*.uniq-Q*.fa.gz" is further filtered with consensus quality and the alignability mask. The reference genome and the alignability mask are available at: