Version 15 Multiple BAM panels can be opened using the bamClone flag this is used with the -Dbam flag: art -Dbam='/pathToFile/file1.bam,/pathToFile/file2.bam' -DbamClone=n (where n is an integer greater than 1). All BAM files are then shown in each panel. Alternatively the following will open BAM files in separate panels (using -Dbam[1,2,3...]): art -Dbam1=fileA.bam -Dbam2=fileB.bam Add SVG (scalable vector graphics) support for Artemis, ACT and DNAPlotter. Option added to adjust VCF row height. Add support for indexed user graphs using tabix. For example file.plot is a tab delimited file with column 1 containing the sequence name and column 2 the positions: (grep ^"#" file.plot; grep -v ^"#" file.plot | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n) | bgzip > sorted.plot.gz ; tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 sorted.plot.gz Option added to show or hide the average line in the graphs. BAM coverage heatmap view added. Add Rfam sequence search from the RUN menu. Option added to create features from BAM peaks, i.e. above a threshold of the number aligned reads. Option included for defining groups of BAM files so that they can be switched on and off by their group. Coverage plots from read alignments (BAM) can be plotted by their strand. Addition of a Project File Manager used to group files together for launching in Artemis. When a project has been added or updated the details are saved at the end of each session in '' in the user's home directory. Fix for saving user defined shortcuts between sessions on windows. Add preliminary support for the CRAM format: This requires the cramtools.jar to be added to the start of the CLASSPATH. Improved support for matching GFF feature coordinates to the correct contig in a multiple FASTA sequences. This works now whether the sequence is part of the GFF file or a separate multiple-FASTA file. Add 'Feature Stack View' to visualise overlapping gene features. Add support for read-only indexed GFF. Features in GFF format are sorted and indexed with tabix: