Open a view window for each selected feature showing it's feature table entry.
Open a view window that will show the current selection. The window is updated as the selection changes, so it can be left open.
On this sub-menu allows the user to view the results of feature searches that are launched from the run menu in Artemis (see the section called The Run Menu).
Pop up a list of the CDS showing the gene names (from the /gene qualifier) and the product (from the /product qualifier).
Each of the items in this sub-menu each allow the user to view a subset of the active features. An example of a subset is all those feature with misc_feature as a key. The features are displayed in a new window that contains a feature list (see the section called The Feature List).
Open a new window the will show a summary of the active entries and some statistics about the sequence (such as the GC content).
Open a new window the will show a summary of the features and bases of the forward strand.
Open a new window the will show a summary of the features and bases of the reverse strand.
Create a view window for each selected feature, which shows bases of the feature.
Create a view window for each selected feature, which shows bases of the feature in FASTA format.
Create a view window for each selected feature, which shows amino acids of the feature.
Create a view window for each selected feature, which shows amino acids of the feature in FASTA format.
Show some statistics about each selected feature. On the left on the feature information window is the amino acid composition of the feature. On the right is the codon composition of the feature.
Open a window for each selected feature that shows a plot of the Kyte-Doolittle Hydrophobicity [short name: hydrophobicity], the Hopp-Woods Hydrophilicity [short name: hydrophilicity], and an approximation of the GCG Coiled Coils algorithm [short name: coiled_coil]. The graphs and plots are described in the section called Graphs and Plots. (For more detail about the coiled coils algorithm see "Predicting Coiled Coils from Protein Sequences", Science Vol. 252 page 1162.)