The Select Menu

The items in this menu are used to modify the current selection (see the section called The Selection in Chapter 1).

Feature Selector ...

Open a new Feature Selector window. This window allows the user to choose which features to select or view based on feature keys and qualifier values.


Reset the selection so that nothing is selected then select all the features in the active entries.

All Bases

Reset the selection so that nothing is selected then select all the bases in the sequence.


Reset the selection so that nothing is selected.

By Key

Ask the user for a feature key, reset the selection so that nothing is selected, then select all the features with the key given by the user.

CDS Features

Reset the selection so that nothing is selected, then select all the CDS features that do not have a /pseudo qualifier.

Same Key

Select all the features that have the same key as any of the currently selected features.

Open Reading Frame

Extend the current selection of bases to cover complete open reading frames. Selecting a single base or codon and then choosing this menu item has a similar effect to double clicking the middle button on a base or residue (see the section called Changing the Selection from a View Window for details).

Features in Range

Select those (and only those) features that overlap the currently selected range of bases.

Base Range ...

Ask the user for a range of bases, then select those bases. The range should look something like this: 100-200, complement(100..200), 100.200 or 100..200. If the first number is larger than the second the bases will be selected on the forward strand, otherwise they will be selected on the reverse strand (unless there is a complement around the range, in which case the sense is reversed).

Feature AA Range ...

Ask the user for a range of amino acids in the selected feature and select those bases. The range should look something like this: 100-200, or 100..200.

Toggle Selection

Invert the selection - after choosing this menu item the selection will contain only those features that were not in the selection beforehand.