Getting and Installing Release 6
Release 6 of Artemis is available for Unix, Macintosh and Windows.
This is a stable release of Artemis, which has been used in production
at the Sanger Institute.
This is the first release of Artemis to use Java2 swing.
Note for Windows users: you may need to shift-click on this link to downlaod
the file. Also please ensure that after downloading this file is
called "artemis_v6.jar" with no other hidden extensions.
Once downloaded on a Macintosh or Windows machine, the compiled versions are
ready to run (assuming you have the appropriate version of Java installed). Unix users will
need to unpack the archive first (see the manual for
Full installation instructions are in
the v6 user manual. The manual is also available as one big file. Further
information on installation or other matters relating to the program can be
obtained by emailing the Artemis maintainers
Changes in Release 6 (August 2004)
A file manager has been added for selecting sequence files to open in artemis,
browsing and file management. Tab files can be dragged into the artemis window
and dropped to load in features.
Name Genes in the Edit menu has
been made more intelligent. [details...].
New menu items:
"Create Intron Features ..." in the Create menu. [details...]
"Create Exon Features ..." in the Create menu. [details...]
FASTA Headers for Write Amino Acids and Write Bases
Added selection by maximum and minimum number of exons.
Support SEGMENT as a possible GenBank header tag.
More GFF parsing fixes.
Better handling of binary input files - better error message.
Direct edit is now on by default.
URLs on the command line. eg.
The overview window now shows the number of partial CDS features
Added the allele and locus_tag as possible qualifiers and operon as a valid
Added "Match Any Word" toggle to the feature selector.
Remove the run_blast script and removed "run blast" from the Run menu.
run_blast was identical to run_blastp.
Changed header format for feature DNA and AA fasta files
Added "Features Matching Qualifier"
Fixed GenBank handling. There has been a change in the format: the
lines have been remove. Artemis supports both the old and the new formats.
Changes in Release 5 (March 2003)
Artemis now has an undo facility which will undo up to 20 feature or entry
Artemis can now read the output of blastall version 2.2.2 when blastall is run
with the -m 8 flag.
There are now no warning about non-standard qualifiers when reading flatfiles
in EMBL format generated from Ensembl.
Added "Karlin Signature Difference" graph.
A Graph menu has been added which
contains the graph/plot controls that were in the Display menu.
When searching for amino acid strings using the feature navigator,
the letter X is now treated as an ambiguity code.
Added "Goto Feature With Gene Name:" to the feature navigator.
Added an "Ignore Case" toggle button to the navigator window.
Added "Flip Display" to the popup menu. [details...].
Speed improvements for people who use lots of sequence features (where
"lots" means thousands or more). In particular, deleting features and removing
entries should be much faster.
Added an option that allows the active entry to be highlighted when "One Line
Per Entry" is on. [details...]
Added a toggle for switching between eukaryotic and prokaryotic mode. [details...]
When viewing or writing amino acid sequences in prokaryotic mode the first
codon will always be translated as a methionine even if the normal translation
is a valine or leucine.
A temporary feature is now created for each record in a FASTA database so that
FASTA files can be viewed more easily. The features are read-only and aren't
saved if the FASTA file is saved.
The overview window has been rearranged to make things more clear. [details...]
The selection viewer now shows the average/min/max correlation score and GC
content of the selected features.
Removed the extra blank lines that were being inserted between the header
lines of GENBANK entries when saving.
Added the run_pepstats script and a menu item to the Run menu for running pepstats.
Added three new buttons to the feature editor: "Remove Range", "Select
Feature" and "Goto Feature".
The main Artemis window should now be smaller the screen size, even on laptops
with small displays.
Fixed a bug that made selected items in the feature list hard to read on Windows
Fixed GFF reading and writing to correctly handle the frame field, so GFF
features should now be in the correct frame. The GFF reading code should now
be GFF2 compatible.
The search scripts that can generate large amounts of output (run_fasta,
run_blastp etc.) now compress the output with gzip.
The Feature Selector has two new buttons:
"Allow Partial Match"
"Amino Acid Motif"
Fixed "Trim to Met" to cope with features that have a /codon_start qualifier.
The complement of base 'X' is now 'X'.
"Mark Open Reading Frames ..." and "Select"->"Open Reading Frame" now treat
any codon that contains an 'X' as a stop codon. All other non-translatable
codons are still treated as non-stop codons.
Font fixes for UNIX and GNU/Linux systems running Java 2.
Added some new option settings:
Changed run_blastn, run_blastp etc. to use blast2 (blastall_2.0.11 to be
exact). The release 4 scripts will work with release 5.
The run scripts have been moved to the etc directory so that they can be
shared with ACT.
Features Into" has been renamed to "Read Entry
Into" for consistency.
New menu items:
"Change Qualifiers Of Selected ..." in the Edit menu. [details...]
"Remove Qualifier Of Selected ..." in the Edit menu. [details...]
"Unmerge Selected Feature" in the Edit menu which allows multi-exon
features to be split up. [details...]
"Extend to Previous Stop Codon" in the Edit menu will move the start of the
feature to the codon just after the previous stop codon. [details...]
"Extend to Next Stop Codon" in the Edit menu will move the end of the feature
to the codon just before the next stop codon. [details...]
"Fix Gene Names" in the Edit menu.
"Add Bases From File ..." in the Edit menu.
A new menu item to toggle the display of arrows on features [details...].
and a new menu item to toggle the display of borders on features [details...].
Changes in Release 4 (November 2000)
Artemis will now create an autosave file for each unsaved entry
every time ten minutes. The names of the autosave files follow the emacs
system - eg. for a file named the autosave file is called
The "Search Results" menu item is now available again on non-UNIX systems. It
was removed by mistake before the last release. [details...]
Artemis can now read the output of MSPcrunch, when MSPcrunch is run with the
-x or -d flags.
Some problems with GFF file reading and writing have been fixed. The ability
to save arbitrary features in GFF format has also been added.
Mark start codons - colour can be changed in the options file.
Added the "Grab Range" button to the feature editor.
Configuration options are now also read from $HOME/.artemis_options on UNIX
and an extra options file can be given on the command line with the -options
flag. [details...]
The options file in the current directory can now be called "options",
"options.txt" or "options.text". This change was made to make it easier for
Windows users create options files. [details...]
Default window size, maximum window size and minimum window size for the
graphs can now be specified in the options file. [details...]
More documentation about how to run external programs [details...] and how to
change options [details
Shortcut for "Show Feature Plots" is now Control-W, which is easier to reach
than Control-P.
PC and Mac versions are smaller now because the CORBA library is not
Added "Save List To File ..." in the feature list.
Added "dribble" file. Changes made to features are now written to a file
named .dribble.entry_name, where the entry_name is the name of the file that
the feature is in. The dribble file is intended to help recover data after
crashes or mistakes.
Added the run_jalview script which can be used to run clustalw and
the Jalview
alignment viewer on the results of FASTA searches from within Artemis. To
use this script you will also need Eric Sonnhammer's efetch (or getz from SRS),
from EMBOSS, clustalw and a
probably some knowledge of Perl. Contact for more details.
Added a work around for a bug in the Java VM on OSF1 which causes random
The overview window now also shows the GC percentage of non-ambiguous bases.
Double clicking the mouse in a base graph (such as the GC content
graph) will now scroll to that base. Bases can be selected by clicking and
dragging on a graph.
Artemis will now obey the EMBL/GENBANK /transl_except qualifier. This is used
to represent translational read-through of TGA stop codons, as well as other
cases where the translation of a codon does not follow the expected
translation table. For more information see the EMBL
feature table definition.
Upgraded the JacORB CORBA library to version 1.2.1 (this should be an
invisible change).
Artemis should now be faster when there are thousands of features loaded.
The 'X' base code is now treated as a synonym for 'N'.
The sequence reading code will now accept '.' as a base letter.
The actions in the write menu will now ask before overwriting a file.
New menu items:
Added "Feature Selector ..." to the Select menu. [details...]
"Feature AA Range ..." in the Select menu. [details...]
"Show Forward Frames", "Show Reverse Frames" and "One Line Per Entry" added to
the popup menu. [details...]
"Hide All Graphs" added to the Display menu. [details...]
"Mark Ambiguities" in the Create menu. [details...]
"Show Log Window" and "Hide Log Window" in the Options menu. [details...]
Changes in Release 3 (March 2000)
Extra menu items:
"Deactivate All Entries"
"Mark Empty ORFs ..."
"Show Forward Strand Overview"
"Show Reverse Strand Overview"
The method for calling external programs on UNIX has changed slightly. Anyone
with customized copies of run_fasta, run_blastp or the other scripts will need
to remove line 8 (the one that mentions "DIANA_ENVIRONMENT_FILE").
"Add Bases At Selection" and "Delete Selected Bases" have returned and now
work well.
Changes in Release 2 (November 1999)
Artemis can now read and write Genbank and GFF files.
Extra menu items:
"Save Entry As/EMBL Format"
"Save Entry As/Genbank Format"
"Remove An Entry"
"Select Features in Range"
"Show CDS Genes And Products"
"View Feature Bases As FASTA"
"View Feature Amino Acids As FASTA"
"Edit Header Of Default Entry"
"Delete Selected Exons"
"Trim Selected Features To Next Met"
"Trim Selected Features To Next Any"
"Show Entry Buttons"
"Add Usage Plots ..."
"GC Content (%) With 2.5 SD Cutoff"
Extra sub-menus:
"Save An Entry As EMBL ..." has changed to "Save Entry As/EMBL Submission
"Goto ..." has changed to "Navigator ..."
The arguments to the external search scripts (run_blast, run_fasta,
etc.) have changed: the -f argument is no longer necessary
run_blast has been copied to run_blastp, to be more consistent with the other
scripts (run_blast still exists)
"Add Bases At Selection" and "Delete Selected Bases" in the Edit menu have
been disabled, since they are currently unreliable. This will be fixed in the
next release
Release 1 announced (August 1999)