The Feature List

The feature list is bit at the bottom of the main window of Artemis (see the section called Overview of the Entry Edit Window). The feature list can be toggled on and off from the display menu (see the section called Show Feature List). The same component is used by the two items in the view menus that show a sub-set of components (see the section called Show CDS Genes And Products and the section called Feature Filters). The list contains information about each feature in each active entry (see the section called The Active Entries in Chapter 1), one per line.

The lines show this information about the feature: the colour (see the section called Feature Colours in Chapter 1), the key, start base, end base, the note field (if any) and then the remaining qualifiers in EMBL/GENBANK format. If the correlation scores option is on then the scores will be shown just before the note in each CDS line.

Changing the Selection from the Feature List

To select a feature from the list just click on it with the first mouse button. This will unselect anything that is currently selected. To add a feature to the selection rather than replacing the current selection, hold the shift key while clicking. A single feature can be removed from the selection in the same way, because shift-clicking acts as a toggle.

See the section called The Selection in Chapter 1 for more about the selection.

Other Mouse Controlled Functions

Double clicking on a feature with the first mouse button causes both views and the feature list to centre themselves on that feature.

A double click of the middle mouse button on a feature will open an edit window for that feature. This is the same as clicking once and then choosing the Edit Selected Features menu item (see the section called Edit Selected Features).

The Pop-up Menu

The pop-up menu is activated by pressing the third mouse button (see the section called Notes on Using The Mouse) anywhere on the feature list. The menu contains shortcuts to some of the main window menus and three toggle buttons:

Show Correlation Scores

If this toggle is on the correlation scores for each feature will be show between the end base and the note.

Show Gene Names

This button controls whether the key or gene name is shown for each feature. The "gene name" is actually the /label qualifier of the feature. If there is no /label then the /gene qualifier is used. If neither of the qualifiers exists then the key is used.

Show Qualifiers

If this option is on the feature qualifiers will be displayed after the note.

Show Product

This button controls whether the /note or /product is shown for each feature. [default: /note ]

Scrolling The List

The scrollbar on the right of the list controls which part of the list of active features is visible. The list will also move if the user double clicks on a feature in overview or DNA view areas, in which case the list will scroll to that feature.