The most up to date version of Artemis is always available from the Artemis web pages.
Before installing Artemis you will need to make sure you have Java installed. Please note that the version of Java that comes with Netscape and Internet Explorer is not sufficient to run Artemis.
UNIX users should get the current Java version from the Sun.
GNU/Linux users should install the latest java stable Java release from . The Sun versions of Java 1.3.1, 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 have various long-standing bugs which make them unsuitable for Artemis. Newer releases from Sun may fix these problems.
Windows users should get latest stable release fromJava version from Sun Microsystems. On some versions of Windows (such as Windows 2000) you will need be have administrator privileges for your machine to successfully install Java.
Macintosh users with MacOS X (i.e. MacOS version 10) or better do not need to install Java because it comes as a standard feature of the operating system. Note, however, that Java on the older versions of MacOS X has irritating bugs so we recommend using the latest version of MacOS, which runs Artemis well. Macintosh users with older MacOS versions cannot use this release of Artemis.
Change directory to the directory you wish to install Artemis in. We will use ~/ in this example and in the next chapter.
uncompress and untar the artemis_compiled.tar.gz file. On UNIX the command is:
gzip -d < artemis_compiled.tar.gz | tar xf -
For instructions on how to run Artemis on UNIX and GNU/Linux once the archive is unpacked see the section called Running Artemis on UNIX and GNU/Linux Systems in Chapter 2.
Macintosh users should download and run the Artemis.bin file from the Artemis web pages, which will create a local copy of the the Artemis application (along with an icon).
Notes from Carton Chen <>
Running Artemis under Mac OSX (using Artemis v. 5 beta as example) Mac OS X is built on Unix, and therefore there is no reason why Unix version of Artemis, written in Java, cannot be made to run under this operation system. We have discovered a rather simple procedure to set it up so that Artemis will come alive upon a double click. Below is a step-by-step guide using the newest Artemis version (v. 5 beta) as example. Procedures for other versions should be pretty much the same. Down load 'artemis_compiled_v5.tar.gz' from Place the downloaded original file into Applications subdirectory [Note: Do not use Stuffit Expander to decompress the file. If your ftp program automatically uses Stuffit Expander to decompress downloaded files, turn if off, or simply make sure that you move the original file (not the decompressed file) here. This is because somehow Stuffit Expander limited file names to 31 characters, and therefore files with longer names cannot be found by the program during execution]. Go to Terminal and go to the Applications subdirectory by typing: cd /Applications/ Decompress the file by typing: tar zxvf [file name] A new subdirectory 'artemis' will be created. Delete the downloaded file, and go to the artemis subdirectory by typing: cd artemis Now you can execute artemis right there by typing ./art (Don't overlook the period!) For ultimate convenience, you want to be able to start Artemis right from the Finder without getting into Terminal. To do that, quit Terminal and go to the artemis subdirectory (under Applications) in the Finder, and change the file name 'art' to 'art.command'. That's it. Now whenever you double click 'art.command'. It will start Terminal automatically and present you Artemis right in your face. Now the question is which should I play with using this fantastic program. The above procedure has been worked out by my student Chi Chen who may be contacted at Have fun. Carton W. Chen National Yang-Ming Universtiy Taipei, Taiwan cwchen@ym,
On Windows systems with Java (version 1.3 or higher), installing Artemis is as simple as copying the artemis.jar file to an appropriate place (such as the desktop or the Programs folder).
For instructions on how to run Artemis on Windows once it is unpacked see the section called Running Artemis on Windows Systems in Chapter 2 .