Options File Format

The option files it should contain settings that look like this:

option_name = option_value
If the value of an options is too long to fit on one line it can be split over several lines by ending each line with a backslash like this:
option_name = option_value another_option_value \
    a_third_option_value a_forth_option_value

An Example Options File

Here is an example options file:

# this line is a comment

font_size = 14

minimum_orf_size = 100

common_keys = \
    allele attenuator CDS conflict exon intron LTR misc_feature misc_RNA mRNA \
    mutation polyA_signal polyA_site promoter protein_bind RBS repeat_region \
    repeat_unit rRNA scRNA snRNA source stem_loop STS TATA_signal terminator \
    tRNA unsure variation -10_signal -35_signal CDS_motif gene