GFFPair is a Perl Object for Gene Finding Feature Pair format (see
for GFFPair specification). A GFFPair object is a set of GeneFeaturePair
objects (see
Tim Hubbard Email
- addGeneFeature
Method to add a reference to a GeneFeaturePair object to a GFFPair object
- eachGeneFeature
Method to return an array of refs to the GeneFeaturesPair in a GFFPair
- read
Method to create GeneFeaturePair object for each line of a stream from a
GFFPair format file and add references to them to the GFFPair object
- dump
Method to dump out a GFFPair object, via method to dump out a
GeneFeaturePair object.
- filter
Method to generate a new GFFPair object based on a filtered version of the
object. Filtering is carried out by passing a reference to a subroutine,
which is applied to each GeneFeaturePair object.
- count
Method to count the number of GeneFeaturePair objects in a GFFPair object
- union
Method to generate a new GFFPair object which is a union of 2 GFFPair
- member
Method to test if a GeneFeaturePair object is a member of an existing
GFFPair object (note - comparison is by reference only - does not check if
2 GeneFeaturePair objects contain the same data!)
- score
No current documentation