release 10.0 - further image creation to create vertical gantt style charts, with option of adding point charts on top release 9.0 - modules to use stomp for ActiveMQ queues and durable topics - Extension to Net::Stomp::Receipt, in order to do a check just before message sending to check connection is still live - Fastq and SRF splits done as separate scripts - Script to Convert FASTA format into ref formats for MAQ, BWA, Bowtie and SAMtools release 8.0 - add modules to split fastq or srf files based on the alignment of fastq files to a reference using program bwa - handling 110 tiles per lane heatmaps - added modules for creating and plotting histograms release 7.0 - module npg_common::qXvalues for calculating Q values from *.fastqcheck files is added release 6.0 - handling 120 tiles per lane heatmaps release 5.0 - heatmaps now scaled upto 10+ max for pf_perc_error_rate - merge for all error thumbnails - merge two graphs of same size together release 4.0 -add modules to merge images release 3.0 - use light grey for the graph fore ground colour - additional information for heatmaps, for intensity scaling release 2.0 - tests for graph - heatmap map making module - additional methods for making heatmaps for move_z statistics - >90% test coverage release 1.0 - set up - move graph wrapper into this namespace - created heatmap module for illumina chips - created scale module for producing scale image with limits on it - tests for heatmap and scale