release 10.0 - update the database if the data already in the database, or delete the old data before inserting the new data - add unique index to qcal table and set end value as 0 if the qcal value is for single run or merged paired runs - modules to load qc data from other directories, especially for fastqcheck files from the repository - handle different cycle numbers of the paired runs for cache_query table - IVC base call plot all in the same scale 100% - stop read Q value from qcalreport file if fastqcheck files created for all lanes - store first indexing cycle number into database for multiplex run - query run recipe table for cycle count of a run - display cycle count for both ends of a pair of runs, which may be different - display qcal value for each lane release 9.0 - add api to delete qc data for one run - add graph view of cluster number against tile number as an alternative of heatmap - add view to show error rates of the latest runs per instrument - bugfix about getting the control lane data from lane_qc table to populate run_graph table - increase the x, y field length of table offset in database schema - display statistical data by week with the graph - store cycle number, tile number per lane in database from recipe and tile layout xml files - back populate run_recipe table by counting current QC or runlog data - display phasing information on summary page - retrieve project name and library name for each lane from sequence scape and display in the run summary page - QC data complete, check number of cycles, tiles and lanes in table lane_qc, signal_mean, errors_by_cycle and qcal against values in table run_recipe, not just check lane_qc table with startard number of tiles, lanes - only cache lane_summary data into cache_query table if data complete - get a list of runs from cahce_query table with lane_summary infomation to cache run_graph and instrument_statistics tables, and for npg_qc data loader and main page runlist - check whether lane summary cached in cache_query table to report data completely loaded for XML web API - check runlog data fully loaded against the actual number of tiles and lanes from run_recipe release 8.0 - analysis and analysis_lane api modules, initially set for ability to obtain data for analysis_report script, which is under npg-tracking - store frequency response matrix and offset data into database and simple web interface - add avgerage error per run by instrument statistics graph - get cycle number from move_z table if can't get it from errors_by_cycle table - store cycle number for a run into run_graph table - add cycle length filter to the statistics graphs - bug fix about getting the run end number from a single run qcalreport file name - bug fix to get correct lane number from fastqcheck file name of single end run - cope with relocation of score, rescore files of the pipeline software 1.3rc1 - add caching scripts to the runlog loading script, to add them in the cron job list - get different levels of run folder directly from Latest Summary symbolic link if not given release 7.0 - api direct loading now gets database credentials from config.ini - heatmaps for pf_perc_error_rate now scales upt to 10+ (anything 10+ is considered to high, and is therefore all very hot) - all thumbnails for error plot view - store the run start, complete and end time in the database - add run statistics by time graph release 6.0 - Change to json output format for run_tile list for a run (default - single run, data structure streamlined) - IVC thumbnail plots now horizontal, merged image with a area map using DHTML. - IVC large plots now loaded using a lightbox to sit over the rotated IVC thumbnails - image_store table to store png that are regularly acessed for speed improvement - lane_qc table - change to column definitions for control lane only columns - from text to float (unknown stored as NULL) - indexes added to many tables, in order to improve speed efficiency. - Uniqueness checked for rows where applicable. release 5.0 - API modules to obtain summary, run list, run_tile and signal mean data - bugfix to ensure only single loading of rows into database - yield per run per instrument graph - blank base error rate per tile by cycle - bugfix to ensure most common words to be loaded into database - graph image now uses gray lines instead of black for clarity - first cycle intensities heatmap now scaled rather than linear release 4.0 - JSON service - run_tiles obtained but now in order, and with qc data already packaged in for the tile - JSON list of run ids that have data - caching for instrument statistical graphs - Error graph scale to 5% on Y-axis - XML feed to query if run is loaded /run/.xml release 3.0 - Link to NPG run pages from the id_run/id_run_pair in the chip summary - Y Scale max for IVC plots set to default to 1500 if 100 tiles per lane (i.e. GA2) - JSON services - summary for run, obtain tiles, some stats for tile - different graph views possible on statistical graphs - run tile view - linked to when you select a tile on a heatmap or run alert - statistical graphs for instruments - tile count of errors by run release 2.0 - api to process Runlogs for move z data - display for move z data - hoverable heatmaps with clicking to run tile viewer - move to own database instance - improvements to Bustard processing - caching of big queries to improve performance - statistical graph by run release 1.0 - api to process Bustard files into xml, and post them to webservice - webservice to process bustard xml and save to database - set-up of database schema - tests - views showing graphs and tables - swift summary processed - heatmaps of tile data - alerts for out of scope metrics