VAGrENT README.TXT INTRODUCTION VAGrENT is a tool set for Variant Annotation Generator. It compares genomic variants against a reference genome annotation and attempts to identify the biological consequences those variants may cause. VAGrENT consists of a group of perl modules and a handful of example scripts showing how they can be used. INSTALLATION VAGrENT consists purely of perl code, so installation is simple a case of unzipping and pathing to the modules. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Perl 5.8 or later. Modules are generally tested in perl 5.8.8 and above. DEPENDENCIES The following packages are used by VAGrENT and will need to be installed before it will function Log::Log4perl -> used for the logging within VAGrENT (1.12 tested) BioPerl -> used for some simple sequence manipulation (1.5.2 and 1.6.1 tested) There are also some optional dependencies Test::More -> required if you want to run the unit tests (recommended) Ensembl core API -> required if you want to use Ensembl as your reference transcript source. The packaged adapter has been tested with API version 58 and higher. PROJECT ORGANISATION docs/ - documentation testdata/ - reference test data for unit testing perl/ - all perl code perl/config/ - configuration files perl/modules/ - all perl modules perl/scripts/ - example perl scripts perl/tests/ - unit test scripts