A conditional test for KEGG pathway terms over-represented in 477 genes up-regulated on the removal of Dgcr8 in a background of 2556 genes
KEGGID Pvalue OddsRatio ExpCount Count Size Term Entrez IDs of genes contributing to enrichment
045126.5e-053.3 9.722 53ECM-receptor interaction(12824) (12826) (12827) (12832) (13138) (16402) (16403) (16410) (16412) (16421) (16423) (16774) (16779) (20750) (20970) (20971) (21826) (21923) (22371) (104099) (192897) (226519)
045107.7e-042.024.139131Focal adhesion(11474) (12444) (12824) (12826) (12827) (12832) (12927) (13866) (14083) (16402) (16403) (16410) (16412) (16421) (16476) (16774) (16779) (17931) (18607) (18708) (18710) (18751) (19303) (20663) (20750) (21826) (21894) (21923) (22341) (22371) (54635) (57342) (70584) (74769) (104099) (107746) (110157) (192897) (226519)
052221.9e-032.311.922 65Small cell lung cancer(12826) (12827) (13555) (14083) (16150) (16403) (16410) (16412) (16774) (16779) (18033) (18708) (18710) (19645) (19697) (22059) (27401) (56469) (74769) (226519) (229615) (242705)
000102.3e-033.4 5.112 28Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis(11669) (11670) (11671) (18597) (18642) (56012) (56421) (60525) (67689) (68738) (72535) (106557)
002803.2e-033.2 5.312 29Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation(11364) (11409) (11669) (11671) (12039) (13171) (52538) (58875) (72535) (104776) (110821) (113868)
052123.6e-032.211.821 64Pancreatic cancer(12578) (13555) (13866) (16150) (17126) (18033) (18708) (18710) (19645) (19697) (19765) (20846) (20848) (21812) (21813) (22059) (22341) (56044) (74769) (110157) (242705)
007204.0e-036.7 1.8 6 10Reductive carboxylate cycle (CO2 fixation)(11429) (15926) (60525) (68738) (104112) (269951)
006405.4e-033.7 3.7 9 20Propanoate metabolism(11364) (11669) (11671) (60525) (68738) (72535) (104776) (106557) (110821)
040709.0e-032.3 8.816 48Phosphatidylinositol signaling system(16331) (16438) (16440) (18708) (18710) (18718) (18751) (18799) (19062) (20975) (72469) (74596) (74769) (217837) (224020) (228550)