README ------ The file build36_BESends.txt.gz is a gzipped tab delimited plain text file. Uncompress the file before use. The file lists all pig BAC end sequences shown in the human ensembl das track (as on 27/06/07) which are present in the trace archive. The pig BES were mapped to NCBI build 36 of the human genome using wublastn . The columns in the file are as follows :- 1) clonename 2) method 3) type (paired_clone if complementary ends are aligned / clone_end if only one end is aligned) 4) chromosome (Human genome) 5) chromosome start 6) chromosome end 7) orientation of hits (eg '+,-') 8) clonename and relevant trace readnames. Example 42-18N12 wublastn paired_clone 1 944779 1188703 +,- CH242-18N12:bE18N12T7-bE18N12SP6