AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#1.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: md5 value: eaec829ff8c94e7ccb2b76636f320b53 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag value: ATCACGTT units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169285 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465981 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6617986 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922025 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_MO_T0 5922025 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_MO_T0 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#2.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169286 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465982 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: a8d7b75049fd9acc73a4d3b444630499 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_MO_T0 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 8141578 units: ---- attribute: tag value: CGATGTTT units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_MO_T0 5922026 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922026 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 2 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#3.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922027 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465983 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169287 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_MO_T2 5922027 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7926212 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TTAGGCAT units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 3 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: md5 value: d7385da1fe02e6eaf0341f0022e07b7d units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_MO_T2 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#4.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PL_T2 5922028 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 4 units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PL_T2 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465984 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6700340 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169288 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: d9386aa91ed9ffb6091898de39c73ad2 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGACCACT units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922028 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#5.bam: attribute: tag value: ACAGTGGT units: ---- attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465985 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_RA_T2 5922029 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6992566 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: c953f5b136408d8c69e892ea1ade0340 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_RA_T2 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 5 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169290 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922029 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#6.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_HU_T2 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922030 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6508678 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_HU_T2 5922030 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag value: GCCAATGT units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465986 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169291 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: fd655db052bcb46d99476e0079936f8a units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 6 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#7.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PR_T2 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PR_T2 5922031 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 7 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922031 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7887608 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: ebfd3b5d05d9bbfe695f63f3048a492c units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag value: CAGATCTG units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465987 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169292 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#8.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 64b0ded02f2c76077e22ed5081e12645 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PH_T2 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922032 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169297 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PH_T2 5922032 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 8 units: ---- attribute: tag value: ACTTGATG units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465988 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6862354 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#9.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6944612 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: a99c4037c1f79becf4477bbee9f2d427 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169298 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922033 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_MO_T2 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 9 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: tag value: GATCAGCG units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465989 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_MO_T2 5922033 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#10.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922034 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 460ac3ac180e7b14613c6fd687ee15bc units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PL_T2 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465990 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TAGCTTGT units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7818420 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 10 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169299 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PL_T2 5922034 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#11.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 8151620 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_RA_T2 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169300 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465991 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922035 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 11 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag value: GGCTACAG units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_RA_T2 5922035 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 4c19bd702712b3ad2cbf868cb6ca6c80 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#12.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465992 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7212218 units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 12 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169301 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_HU_T2 5922036 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag value: CTTGTACT units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: md5 value: ab9e8ef503ef15043ff28b25cfe97853 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_HU_T2 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922036 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#13.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169302 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 70f929616a9ac105cb147c2565ae2a52 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGGTTGTT units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 13 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465993 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7581802 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922037 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PR_T2 5922037 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PR_T2 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#14.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PH_T2 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 7265961bdf140c0704077fe4cdaedac5 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922038 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PH_T2 5922038 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169303 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 14 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCTCGGTT units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465994 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7721526 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#15.bam: attribute: tag value: TAAGCGTT units: ---- attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 15 units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465995 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_MO_T4 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169304 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922039 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6877198 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 110cf44481b7e5697a5221806d21d8e5 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_MO_T4 5922039 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#16.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465996 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 16 units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PL_T4 5922040 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 9014032 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PL_T4 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169305 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922040 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCCGTCTT units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 778be681ca76ce476082b1548d03b0fb units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#17.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169306 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_RA_T4 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7118546 units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465997 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922041 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 17 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGTACCTT units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 24e804f8eef9e3f36ea64852b3163036 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_RA_T4 5922041 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#18.bam: attribute: tag_index value: 18 units: ---- attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_HU_T4 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169307 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465998 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922042 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 8b25a7bde460349a0e72cfe221b21e86 units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TTCTGTGT units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6306408 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_HU_T4 5922042 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#19.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1465999 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCTGCTGT units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169308 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 19 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6410538 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PR_T4 5922043 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922043 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PR_T4 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: afd44d2b5d88ad8bfb7328e2b08d19f9 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#20.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PH_T4 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6435904 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 6d23f8c1cd777fe969a80fccf4bc8988 units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PH_T4 5922044 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 20 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922044 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466000 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TTGGAGGT units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169309 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#21.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 21 units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_MO_T4 5922045 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 8037264 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169310 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCGAGCGT units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_MO_T4 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466001 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922045 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 4757ee9f716ed0d02c9a90006c780253 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#22.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466002 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7736182 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 9960032a598ced014747071a92ba7345 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGATACGT units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PL_T4 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922046 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169311 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PL_T4 5922046 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 22 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#23.bam: attribute: tag_index value: 23 units: ---- attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_RA_T4 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466003 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGCATAGT units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169313 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922047 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7699320 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_RA_T4 5922047 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 9f63b7807343fb2971ef43375c0cce8a units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#24.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169314 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922048 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466004 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 12befa1c8bdbf29cf4aa38ec3a299285 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 24 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_HU_T4 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_HU_T4 5922048 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TTGACTCT units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7469300 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#25.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169315 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466005 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PR_T4 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 25 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922049 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PR_T4 5922049 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGCGATCT units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: c1c0e489654482bfe07c2511337b67c6 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6564798 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#26.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 8078572 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922050 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: c78651d20cdcd4f029663116fd692ab0 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169316 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466006 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PH_T4 5922050 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 26 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TTCCTGCT units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PH_T4 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#27.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag value: TAGTGACT units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PL_T8 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169317 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466007 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6702264 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 27 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 2c14b0c406fa022a3121596961851ec1 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922051 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PL_T8 5922051 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#28.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922052 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 8520506 units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 28 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169318 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_RA_T8 5922052 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 0fbf7f1bf4b616182e81ee5a444bb3e2 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_RA_T8 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466008 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TACAGGAT units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#29.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922053 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6299622 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466009 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 29 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169319 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_HU_T8 5922053 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCCTCAAT units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_HU_T8 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 1098fa445d0b12c9f7d764745647ec1f units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#30.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 546132cc724737e409228672f3de48e2 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PR_T8 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PR_T8 5922054 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6219588 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 30 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169320 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466010 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922054 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGTGGTTG units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#31.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466011 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922055 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: cf909631104c64a47d8389b9adc8e863 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TAGTCTTG units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169321 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 31 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PH_T8 5922055 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PH_T8 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 10005078 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#32.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169322 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466012 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 32 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PL_T8 5922056 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6563042 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TTCCATTG units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PL_T8 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: c26b61c7bd8676bc708d35f9cef58fa5 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922056 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#33.bam: attribute: tag_index value: 33 units: ---- attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922057 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 7c480105c79d88b983ffee4ac00d509b units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCGAAGTG units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466013 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7191266 units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_RA_T8 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169323 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_RA_T8 5922057 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#34.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922058 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 5983202 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_HU_T8 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169324 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_HU_T8 5922058 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 34 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466014 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TAACGCTG units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 9e13bc2b623d7b90f6b972d54b86186a units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#35.bam: attribute: tag value: TTGGTATG units: ---- attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PR_T8 5922059 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7153760 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466015 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 35 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PR_T8 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169325 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922059 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: be81bbf255e36ab4b7509d0c4562df43 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#36.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGAACTGG units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466016 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922060 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169326 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 8068174 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 36 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 8438833d1495aac99f255e03c4e229f8 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PH_T8 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PH_T8 5922060 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#37.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169327 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 03f9e16d7444beb318f811785de4cf02 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TACTTCGG units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_MO_T16 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_MO_T16 5922061 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922061 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 5770812 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466017 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 37 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#38.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169328 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6557966 units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922062 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: cb58c9b9ab4530678f474e3b310ff271 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PL_T16 5922062 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCTCACGG units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 38 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PL_T16 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466018 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#39.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169329 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922063 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_RA_T16 5922063 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCAGGAGG units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466019 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6152852 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 23f2dc8adcdca22599dd59e0cbd330f4 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 39 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_RA_T16 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#40.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 40 units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TAAGTTCG units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 61503cc7430df1f348bab328680592b2 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466020 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_HU_T16 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922064 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7287910 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169330 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_HU_T16 5922064 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#41.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169331 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466021 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7374662 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922065 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 41 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PR_T16 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCCAGTCG units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PR_T16 5922065 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 78f2c0e7821dc8d804c2772cd3002e08 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#42.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466022 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGTATGCG units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PH_T16 5922066 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: e41b57bf8188643734841438d0650f36 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169332 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 42 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PH_T16 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922066 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6130848 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#43.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_MO_T16 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466023 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: c7751fa9fd5fb4a740cbe2b344f24657 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 43 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169333 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922067 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_MO_T16 5922067 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7210010 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCATTGAG units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#44.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922068 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 8bf1b675d6ce85e27c7de108326791bb units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGGCTCAG units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169334 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PL_T16 5922068 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 44 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466024 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PL_T16 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6475666 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#45.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922069 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_RA_T16 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466025 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TATGCCAG units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 8c015dc483ff4464c8a8b1307daead42 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169335 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 45 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6032102 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_RA_T16 5922069 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#46.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCAGATTC units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169336 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_HU_T16 5922070 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 0e4d5eae74917eaf4ed955feccc381c2 units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 46 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6081250 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922070 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_HU_T16 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466026 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#47.bam: attribute: tag value: TACTAGTC units: ---- attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PR_T16 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922071 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 700cc8a28852c011c20481ffd7afd666 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 47 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466027 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PR_T16 5922071 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169337 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6245294 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#48.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PH_T16 5922072 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TTCAGCTC units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: b800071427e5193fa1ef488b5f5f85af units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7296488 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 48 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169338 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466028 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922072 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PH_T16 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#49.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGTCTATC units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922073 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 49 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_MO_T32 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6699078 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169339 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_MO_T32 5922073 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: e5683aa5599ea25dc0cf8980689649be units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466029 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#50.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PL_T32 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: md5 value: d7db23bbaa91f0bd9b89bd895af25234 units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169340 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922074 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PL_T32 5922074 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6139844 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466030 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 50 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TATGTGGC units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#51.bam: attribute: tag value: TTACTCGC units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 51 units: ---- attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922075 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_RA_T32 5922075 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169341 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7101786 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_RA_T32 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466031 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 4691f97f5e8b002af443ac67551820ea units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#52.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_HU_T32 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466032 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922076 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 52 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_HU_T32 5922076 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCGTTAGC units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169342 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 412ef6e0c521ec92855d07cd13a4ceb7 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6306484 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#53.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag value: TACCGAGC units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169343 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7592226 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 53 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466033 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PR_T32 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922077 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PR_T32 5922077 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 69e2a50f420f1216540c114f69847edb units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#54.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R1_PH_T32 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466034 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 7d44e7497645dfbefde434e3782d6375 units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGTTCTCC units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169344 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 54 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922078 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7070502 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R1_PH_T32 5922078 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#55.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_MO_T32 5922079 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 55 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6753440 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: d25623e53681879bf6e96887f3eac2ad units: ---- attribute: tag value: TTCGCACC units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169345 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_MO_T32 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466035 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922079 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#56.bam: attribute: tag_index value: 56 units: ---- attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922080 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 6e9689706801bc81a2d3cfb6a75c5ff5 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PL_T32 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169346 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6159180 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PL_T32 5922080 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TTGCGTAC units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466036 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#57.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_RA_T32 5922081 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 57 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169347 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6533672 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_RA_T32 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922081 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCTACGAC units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466037 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 2a789e6178954f4ae9a9e3fb2375a77f units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#58.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466038 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 07d6abca30a7d3f6b97b021cddc75414 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 58 units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_HU_T32 5922082 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_HU_T32 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169348 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6654830 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TGACAGAC units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922082 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#59.bam: attribute: tag_index value: 59 units: ---- attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PR_T32 5922083 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TAGAACAC units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466039 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 129a54abb9d3447e0793d03cd3626b80 units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169349 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PR_T32 units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922083 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 6625566 units: AVUs defined for dataObj /seq/8939/8939_1#60.bam: attribute: study_title value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: library value: R2_PH_T32 5922084 units: ---- attribute: type value: bam units: ---- attribute: is_paired_read value: 1 units: ---- attribute: sample_accession_number value: ERS169350 units: ---- attribute: reference value: /lustre/scratch110/srpipe/references/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/S288c/all/bwa/S_cerevisiae_S288c.fa units: ---- attribute: lane value: 1 units: ---- attribute: tag_index value: 60 units: ---- attribute: study_id value: 1899 units: ---- attribute: manual_qc value: 1 units: ---- attribute: total_reads value: 7697268 units: ---- attribute: study_accession_number value: ERP000780 units: ---- attribute: sample_common_name value: Saccharomyces cerevisiae units: ---- attribute: library_id value: 5922084 units: ---- attribute: id_run value: 8939 units: ---- attribute: tag value: TCATCCTA units: ---- attribute: target value: 1 units: ---- attribute: study value: Quantifying Linkage and Selection in Artificially Outbred Populations units: ---- attribute: sample value: R2_PH_T32 units: ---- attribute: sample_id value: 1466040 units: ---- attribute: alignment value: 1 units: ---- attribute: md5 value: 6779ded7232ed04493becc9e341c617e units: