================================================= Whole Exome Capture Files produced by Felix Kokocinski, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, for the "exome group". (c) April 2009 contact: fsk@sanger.ac.uk ================================================= exome_B_NCBI36.gff coordiantes of exome in gff format. created from HAVANA & ENSEMBL data on 02.04.2009 genome assembly NCBI36 compressed with gzip example line: chr6 EXOME CODING_REGION_OF_EXON 31648489 31648607 . + . ID=cluster_6_1848 exome_B_NCBI36.bed coordiantes of exome in bed format. example line: chr1 20219 20376 exome_B_NCBI36_annotated.gff coordiantes of exome with HAVANA & ENSEMBL gene and transcript ids () in gff-like format. compressed with gzip example line: chr6 EXOME CODING_REGION_OF_EXON 31648489 31648607 . + . ID=cluster_6_1848 OTTHUMG00000031135, ENSG00000204496 OTTHUMT00000259097, ENST00000376133, ENST00000396143, OTTHUMT00000076237 ------------------------------------------------ updated files, December 2009 ------------------------------------------------ exome_B_GRCh37.gff.gz previous genomic locations transferred to new genome assembly GRCh37 using the Ensembl mapping. compressed with gzip exome_B_GRCh37_annotated.gff.gz previous genomic locations on GRCh37 annotated with the 9th gff column having: (internal) cluster-ID; evidence for this exon (ie. GenBank IDs, etc); information on transcript(s) the exon belong to (Ensembl transcript id | Ensembl gene id | gene name) example line: chrX EXOME coding_region_of_exon 153927559 153927798 . + . ID=cluster_X_7147;evidence=AK126283.1,BF900282.1,Q8VH53.1,AL832051.1,AY057989.1,Q8BSM5.1,Q8WWW8.1;transcript=ENST00000369575|ENSG00000160219|GAB3;transcript=ENST00000369568|ENSG00000160219|GAB3;transcript=ENST00000424127|ENSG00000160219|GAB3;transcript=ENST00000496390|ENSG00000160219|GAB3