
VEP run statistics

VEP version (API) 71 (71)
Cache/Database homo_sapiens_core_71_37 on
Species homo_sapiens
Command line options
-i 8016-8-48.h.sapiens.aligned_S_MDup.GATK_sorted_realigned.recal.SNP.filtered.vcf -o 8016-8-48.h.sapiens.aligned_S_MDup.GATK_sorted_realigned.recal.SNP.filtered.vcf.VEP2.9.splice.vcf --vcf -sift=b -polyphen=b --check_existing --hgnc --protein --filter splice --force_overwrite --database
Start time 2013-04-30 15:35:15
End time 2013-04-30 15:35:54
Run time 39 seconds
Input file (format) 8016-8-48.h.sapiens.aligned_S_MDup.GATK_sorted_realigned.recal.SNP.filtered.vcf (VCF)
Output file 8016-8-48.h.sapiens.aligned_S_MDup.GATK_sorted_realigned.recal.SNP.filtered.vcf.VEP2.9.splice.vcf [text]

General statistics

Lines of input read 594
Variants processed 465
Variants remaining after filtering 1
Novel / known variants 464 (99.8%) / 1 (0.2%)
Overlapped genes 1
Overlapped transcripts 13
Overlapped regulatory features -

Variant classes


Variant consequences


Coding consequences


SIFT summary


PolyPhen summary


Variants by chromosome


Distribution of variants on chromosome 2


Position in protein