Prompt for a file name and then write the translation of the bases of the selected features to that file. The file is written in FASTA format.
Prompt for a file name and then write the translation of the bases of the selected features to that file. The file is written in PIR format (similar to FASTA, but with a * as the last line of each record).
Prompt for a file name and then write the bases of the selection to that file in the selected format. If the selection consists of features (rather than a base range) then the bases of each feature will be written to the file as a separate record. If the selection is a range of bases, then those bases will be written.
Prompt for a number and a file name, then write that many bases upstream of each selected feature to the file in the selected format. For example if the selected feature has a location of "100..200", then asking for 50 upstream will write the bases in the range 50 to 99. Writing upstream bases of a feature on the complementary strand will work in the expected way.
Prompt for a number and a file name, then write that many bases downstream of each selected feature to the file in the selected format.
Prompt for a file name, then write the complete sequence to that file in the selected format.
Prompt for a file name, then write a codon usage table for the selected features. The file in written in the same format as the data at Kazusa codon usage database site. In the output file each codon is followed by it's occurrence count (per thousand) and it's percentage occurrence. (See the section called Add Usage Plots ... to find out how to plot a usage graph).