Chapter 3. The Artemis Main Window

Table of Contents
Overview of the Entry Edit Window
The File Menu
The Entries Menu
The Select Menu
The View Menu
The Goto Menu
The Edit Menu
The Create Menu
The Write Menu
The Run Menu
The Graph Menu
The Display Menu
The Entry Button Line
The Overview and DNA Views
The Feature List
Graphs and Plots
Notes on Using The Mouse

Overview of the Entry Edit Window

This window is the main editing and viewing window. See the section called Open ... in Chapter 2 or the section called Open from EBI - Dbfetch ... in Chapter 2 to find out how to read an entry (and hence open one of these windows).

The following images show a breakdown of the main Artemis edit window. The full screen shot is here.

A breakdown of the main Artemis edit window


  1. The menus for the main window (described later in this chapter).

  2. A one line summary of the current selection (see the section called The Select Menu and the section called The Selection in Chapter 1 for more).

  3. This line contains one button for each entry that has been loaded. These buttons allow the user to set the default entry (see the section called The Default Entry in Chapter 1) and to set the active entries (see the section called The Active Entries in Chapter 1). For more detail on operating the buttons see the section called The Entry Button Line.

  4. This shows an overview of the sequence and the features from the active entries. (see the section called The Overview and DNA Views).

  5. This is called the "DNA view" to distinguish it from the overview, but in fact it operates in a very similar way. (see the section called The Overview and DNA Views).

  6. A textual summary of the active features. (See the section called The Feature List).