GFF is a Perl Object for Gene Finding Feature format (see
for GFF specification). A GFF object is a set of GeneFeature objects (see
Tim Hubbard Email Object for a single gene feature. Homology gene feature
(object class derived from Container object for GeneFeature or HomolGeneFeature objects. Object to sort links between
GeneFeature objects (uncertain usefulness and may be deprecated in the future) Container object for GeneFeaturePair objects
(uncertain usefulness and may be deprecated in the future)
- read
Create GeneFeature object for each line of a stream from a GFF format file
and add references to them to the GFF object
- read_msp
Create HomolGeneFeature object for each line of a stream from an MSP file
(output from MSPcrunch) and add references to them to the GFF object
- dump
Dump out a GFF object (via method to dump out a GeneFeature object).
- dump_pair
Dump out a GFF object (via method to dump out a GeneFeature object).
Includes information about any pairing.
- addGeneFeature
Add a reference to a GeneFeature object to a GFF object
- eachGeneFeature
Method to return an array of refs to the GeneFeatures in a GFF object
- filter
Method to generate a new GFF object based on a filtered version of the
object. Filtering is carried out by passing a reference to a subroutine,
which is applied to each GeneFeature object.
- count
Method to count the number of GeneFeature objects in a GFF object
- self_overlap
Method to generate a new GFF object based on a filtered version of the
object based on any pairwise overlap. Option to report overlaps to
- intersect_overlap
Method to generate a new GFF object based on intersection with second GFF
object tolerance specifies error at each edge: tolerance=-1 specifies any
overlap; tolerance=0 specifies exact match.
- union
Method to generate a new GFF object which is a union of 2 GFF objects
- member
Method to test if a GeneFeature object is a member of an existing GFF
object (note - comparison is by reference only - does not check if 2
GeneFeature objects contain the same data!)
- addGFF
Method to append GeneFeatures in a GFF object to another GFF object
- cluster
Method to build an array of GFF objects each containing a group of
GeneFeature objects sharing some attribute [pairwise comparison]
- end_range
Method to find max range of members of a GFF object.
- features
Method to return a hash of the cases and their occurance for a feature
- group
Method to build an array of GFF objects each containing a group of
GeneFeature objects sharing some attribute [fixed, named]
- intersect_not
Method to generate a new GFF object which is everything in first GFF that
is not in second GFF
- intersect_overlap_pair
Method to generate a new GFFPair object based on intersection with second
GFF object tolerance specifies error at each edge: tolerance=-1 specifies
any overlap; tolerance=0 specifies exact match. single=1 specifies that
only one edge needs to match tolerance strand=1 specifies that orientation
must be identical
- label
Method to add a label to each GeneFeature in this GFF point back to this
- label_pair
Method to make a list of the corresponding list of GFF's that the
GeneFeatures in this GFF are paired with
- maxScore
Method to find max score of members of a GFF object. If $paired, then only
evaluates for objects which are lined to GFFPair object
- maxScoreGf
Method to return GF object with max score in a GFF object.
- max_min_range
Method to find max and min range of members of a GFF object.
- shared_paired
Method to return a number of paired GeneFeature objects between 2 GFF's
- start_range
Method to find min range of members of a GFF object.
- strand
Method return strand of gf objects in gff
- theFeature
Method to test if features returns a single value and return it